Daya Mata speaks on How to pray for others“Thought is a force; it has immense power. That is why I believe so deeply in the World Wide Prayer Circle that Paramahansa Yogananda began. I hope you are all involved in it. When people send forth concentrated, positive thoughts of peace, love, goodwill, forgiveness, as in the healing technique used by World Wide Prayer Circle, this generates a great power. If the masses were to do this, it would set up a vibration of goodness that would be powerful enough to change the world.”

—Sri Daya Mata

How can our prayers influence the lives of others? In the same way that they elevate our own: by implanting in the consciousness positive patterns of health, success, and receptivity to divine help. Paramahansa Yogananda wrote:

“The human mind, freed from the disturbances or ‘static’ of restlessness, is empowered to perform all the functions of complicated radio mechanisms — sending as well as receiving thoughts and tuning out undesirable ones. As the power of a radio broadcasting station is regulated by the amount of electrical current it can utilise, so the effectiveness of a human radio depends on the degree of will power possessed by each person.”

The minds of illumined masters, who have perfectly attuned their will with God’s will, can transmit the divine power to bring instantaneous healing of body, mind, and spirit. The writings and lectures of Paramahansa Yogananda abound with examples of such healings. He explained that though they seem miraculous, divine healings are the natural result of scientifically fulfilling the universal laws of creation. By conveying God’s idea patterns of perfection with sufficient will power and energy to manifest them in the minds and bodies of others, these enlightened ones follow the same process by which everything in the universe was formed.

Any person who prays according to these principles will find that his or her prayers also have a tangible influence. And though our individual power is obviously less than that which a master can convey, when the prayers of thousands are united, the powerful vibrations of peace and divine healing thus generated are of inestimable value in helping to manifest the desired results. To this end, Paramahansa Yogananda originated the Yogoda Satsanga Society of India/Self-Realization Fellowship Prayer Council and the Worldwide Prayer Circle.

Here is one of Paramahansaji's techniques to pray effectively for others:

Paramahansa Yogananda with a man on a wheelchair.“First, wrinkle your eyebrows together a little, then close your eyes. Think of any person to whom you want to send healing power.

“Concentrate at the point between your eyebrows and mentally say: ‘Heavenly Father, I will with Thy will. My will is Thy will. With Thine omnipresent will, O Father, I will with all my heart, with all my soul, that this person be healed.’

While saying this, think that a current is going through the point between your eyebrows into the point between the eyebrows of the person you are trying to help. Feel that you are sending a current from your spiritual eye into the spiritual eye of the person you wish to be healed.

Concentrate deeper and you will feel heat at the point between the eyebrows. Feeling this heat is proof that your will power is developing.

“Concentrate still deeper. Mentally say: ‘With Thy will I send a flash of Cosmic Energy. Father, it is there.

“This should be practised from fifteen to twenty minutes. While you are doing this, your will power develops; and this developed will power will be with you continuously, no matter what happens, to aid yourself and others when needed.”

How Can My Prayers Help Others?
Sri Daya Mata
Time: 4:26 minutes

Daya Mata: Third president of YSS/SRF.Sometimes people ask, “What is the best way to pray for others?” Sri Sri Daya Mata has said:

“To pray for others is right and good…asking, above all, that they may be receptive to God, and thus receive physical, mental, or spiritual help direct from the Divine Physician. This is the basis of all prayer. God’s blessing is ever present; receptivity is often lacking. Prayer heightens receptivity….

“When you are affirming healing for others or yourself, visualise the tremendous force of God’s healing power as a white light surrounding you or the person for whom you are praying. Feel that it is melting away all illness and imperfection. Every uplifting thought we think, every prayer we utter, every good action we perform, is impregnated with God’s power. We can manifest this power in greater and greater ways as our faith becomes stronger and our love for God becomes deeper.”

How you can help bring world peace and healing through prayer

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