An Invitation from Sri Sri Daya Mata:
With this introduction to the Yogoda Satsanga Society of India/Self-Realization Fellowship Worldwide Prayer Circle, I would like to invite you to join us in serving others through the dynamic force of prayer.
Reading in the newspapers each day about some new disease or disaster — or another international crisis that brings the world closer to war — so many people feel a deep sense of insecurity about their lives and those of their dear ones. We have reached a point where many wonder, “Is there anything I can depend on in this world? Is there anything I can do to counteract these threats to the peace and security I wish for myself and all humanity?”
To know exactly how and when to pray, according to the nature of our needs, is what brings the desired results. When the right method is applied, it sets in motion the proper laws of God; the operation of these laws scientifically bears results.
We all respond deeply to such questions — and there is an answer to these problems that so trouble our hearts. The one reason why individuals suffer from physical and emotional inharmonies — and why nations experience social and international strife — is that they have cut themselves off from the source of divine power and blessing by their own wrong thoughts and actions.
Today, perhaps more than ever before, it is imperative that we counteract that negativity. If we aspire to more than an uneasy existence on this earth, we must renew our connection with the divine Source. That is the purpose of the Yogoda Satsanga Society of India/Self-Realization Fellowship Worldwide Prayer Circle. And that is why I urge you to deeply consider the message presented here. It describes how every man, woman, and child — of all races and religions — can effectively work for healing and security for themselves and their dear ones. And your personal efforts at focusing the power of prayer — the unlimited power of God within each of us — can do much to bring greater harmony among the troubled nations of the world.
We hope you will join in this worldwide circle of prayer, that men and women everywhere may awaken to a greater realization of the divine power within, and that it may be expressed without as peace and fellowship among all people.
— Sri Sri Daya Mata
Third President, Yogoda Satsanga Society of India/Self-Realization Fellowship